Children and Family Services



The Child Protective Services program strives to ensure safe, permanent, nurturing families for children by protecting them from abuse and neglect while attempting to preserve the family unit.

Child Protective Services help prevent further harm to children from intentional physical or mental injury, sexual abuse, exploitation, or neglect by a person responsible for a child's health or welfare.

Child Protective Services also help protect children who have no parent, guardian, or custodian to provide care and supervision, or whose parents or guardians or custodian is unable to provide for the care or supervision and lacks an appropriate alternative child care arrangement.

Social services staff accomplish all these services through:

  • Assessing suspected cases of abuse and neglect
  • Assisting the family in diagnosing the problem
  • Providing in-home counseling and supportive services to help children stay at home with their families
  • Coordinating community and agency services for the family
  • Petitioning the court for removal of the child, if necessary
  • Providing public information about child abuse, neglect, and dependency

North Carolina has been able to support selective initiatives for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. These initiatives provide support for families and strive towards goals of reducing risks to children, improving parenting skills, and strengthening social support networks for families. In addition, certain initiatives seek to bring together national, state, and local experts to address issues of child abuse and neglect in efforts to educate the general public and for professional development. This service is provided in all 100 counties.

Citizens who suspect that a child is being abused or neglected should contact McDowell County Department of Social Services at 828-652-3355.

To find out additional information about what constitutes a Child Protective Service's report, click here to access the CPS manual.


Program Manager:
Lakeshia Feaster   828-659-0661  

Becky Burleson      828-659-0653
Carla Reid              828-659-0658
Cheri Miller             828-659-0665
Christina Demko     828-659-0677
Denise Behm          828-659-0632


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